In Conversation with… Sabian Wilde

Marketing Lecturer. Writer. Music Bod. Claims to have coined 'Perthonality'

Posts Tagged ‘Emo


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As will soon be obvious, I’m not in the best mood today…

Download the AUDIO, courtesy of RTRFM.


Yesterday a man gave a speech about a world
In which we wouldn’t have to live in fear
Of nuclear attack…
And it was nice, yeah it was nice
And meanwhile North Korea’s launching
Invisible satellites, and they are nice…
A little harder to see…
If you don’t believe me,
Just ask the Japanese, ‘cuz
They are nice,
Just ask the whales,
Second only to Sea Shepherd
For having tall tales…

If there is a point to all of this
I hope I’m not a realist
I hope there’s still hope to be had
I hope that life ain’t all that bad
I hope the earthquakes go away
I hope the missiles do not stray
When cynicism is the norm
It makes you wonder why we’re born…

A cynic is a person who just cannot see the good
In humanity; It’s history cannot be understood
In terms of nice… Don’t ask me why.
It’s like emos who can cut themselves but never seem to die
It isn’t fair… so much despair
And nothing good to show for it but really cool hair.

If there is a point to all of this
I hope I’m not a realist
I hope there’s still hope to be had
I hope that life ain’t all that bad
I hope the earthquakes go away
I hope the missiles do not stray
When cynicism is the norm
It makes you wonder why we’re born…

But if I had to guess…
That even cynics  just like sex… a little too much.

Stop procreating
We could have a new world order
If we’d all skip a generation.


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First of all, I’d just like to apologise to EVERYONE.

Now, are we sitting comfortably? Good.

Rock and the Children’s TV Workshop

I’ve been working on a theory about rock’n’roll and kid’s TV
If you got it on watching G-Force and Voltron
Then the L.A. scene came a little more naturally
Their world was dark and it was violent
Their lycra uniforms were skin-tight
Their heair was teased and they did just what they pleased
They drove fast cars, they were armed to the teeth

So what does this theory mean for the kids in the scene
That begins when you grow up in the eighties?
No more psychedelic dreams or Big Bird’s neuroses
Imaginary elephants called Snuffy

No, what did these kids get, to prepare them for rock excess?
They got a little red muppet called Elmo… “Let’s be FRIENDS!”

And Elmo’s optimism don’t stand up to criticism
Life will crush the lessons that he taught you…
At least with Snuffy you’re prepared
For misery and despair – and the sense that noone ever sees you

And if you take the L out of Elmo
Then it’s Emo… oh yeah
Take the L out of Elmo and it’s emo…

Elmo wouldn’t know where to go
With a groupie and a bag of blow
While Snuffy had a nasal tract
That could safely knock a gram of smack back

And a better disposition
For narcissistic inquistion
Ask young Elmo why he cries
He says “They tickled me until I died”

Take the L out of Elmo and it’s emo

Don’t ask me why…Cause if you take the Y out of Snuffy
Then you get snuff… That’s probably why I was a goth…

I’ve been working on a theory
About rock’n’roll and kid’s TV…

[Additional note: Elmo is a natural albino, but a compulsive cutter… his traditional ‘red’ colour has been used to hide blood and scarring to reduce the likelihood of scaring children.]

Kaz Rocks

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And just because I know she never comes here….

Kaz rocks, kaz rocks…

Thanks for the emo… it’s made my appreciation of this song much richer.

Written by Xab

Sunday, November 7, 2004 at 4:56 pm